Ross Goard
Ross was born in Northern Ontario developing his fishing roots in amongst some excellent fishing venues including the family cabin at Manitoulin Island in the Great Lakes . But fly fishing really took off for him when he moved to Calgary back in 1981, lured by an opportunity to support his fishing drive by working in the Oil and Gas Industry. To help fuel the fire of his fishing desire he built his first fly rod and started tying flies in 1986. Since then the fertile freshwater fishing grounds of the western provinces have been the ideal location for him to promote the inter-generational fishing experience with family, friends and the fishing community.
Other than the Bow and its tributaries and other Southern Alberta waters, he has been self learning and sharing his fishing expertise throughout the East Kootenays and Northern coastal waters of British Columbia, the stillwaters of the Parklands region in Manitoba, and traditional places in Ontario, enjoying exploring over 50 water bodies throughout. He is equally at home in both still and moving waters – primarily chasing trout and salmon in the warm months. The cold months are dedicated to trout locally, or wherever the water is still moving enough that a fly can go sub-surface.