Time of Day Restriction Events Hosted by Out Fly Fishing

Time of Day Restriction Events Hosted by Out Fly Fishing

 Goals for Out Fly Fishing during the Time of Day Restrictions:

1) Make sure that people are informed of the new regulations put in place

2) Help educate people on best practices for fishing and fishing handling around water temps

3) Adjust our Shop Schedule to accommodate the needs of our customers, clients and Guides, which is why we will temporarily be opening at 5:00am everyday during the Time of Day Restrictions

Time of Day Restriction Early Opening Shop Hours. Out Fly Fishing now opens at 5am everyday

4) Give our fly fishing community alternative opportunities during the Time of Day Restrictions (see below)

Out Fly Fishing Events Scheduled During Time of Day Restrictions

Time of Day Restriction Events by Out Fly Fishing. Rod Casting Demo Days
  • Saturday Casting Demo Days: Saturday Aug 5th 2pm-6pm we held our first DRod Demo Day with Thomas & Thomas Rods.  Saturday Augst 12th will be our Hardy Rod Demo Day at the Fish Creek Boat Launch.  When you get off the river at 2:00pm we'll be setup at the Boat launch with all the Hardy Single Hand Fly Rods for you to try.  Our Hardy Rep will also be on hand for our 1st TODR Demo Day and there will be some contests and promotions going on for everyone who attends.
    Just because we can't fish doesn't mean we can't cast and Demo rods.  Obviously no Flies will be permitted, but yarn will be on the ends of the leaders
Time of Day Restriction Events by Out Fly Fishing: Fly Tying Nights are back on Thursdays
  • Fly Tying Nights Are Back: We polled our followers on Instagram to find out if people would be interested in temporarily resuming our Thursday Night Fly Tying at the shop and we saw a resounding response with people very eager to ty flies again, if they can't fish, so from 7:00-9:00pm on Thursday Nights we'll have our Fly Tying Nights during the Time of Day Restrictions.  As per usual our Fly Tying Nights are FREE instruction and we provide the materials and simply split the cost of materials between everyone in attendance.  It usually works out to something between $3 & $5/person.
Time of Day Restriction Events by Out Fly Fishing: Casting Lessons & Competitions
  • FREE Casting Lessons & Competitions: Each Tuesday During the Time of Day Restrictions we're going to run some fun Casting Competitions (with prizes) at the shop.  They'll start at 3:00pm and run until 6:30pm so people who are fishing in the morning can head to the shop afterwards to do some casting as well as anyone who works during the day, but can't go fishing in the evening, well now at least you can come do some casting and win some great prizes.  Josh will be giving free casting lessons on: Accuracy Casting, Distance Casting, Double Hauling, Reach Casting, & Fixing Common Casting Errors.  We'll also have Casting Competitions that are FREE to enter such as: Distance Casting, Accuracy Casting, & Casting Obstacle Course
Time of Day Restriction Events by Out Fly Fishing: Artist Series Showcase and Trunk Show with Sight Line Provisions
  • Artist Series Showcase: Since we can't fish in the afternoons and Evenings we're making sure to give everyone lots of Fly Fishing activities to do during the afternoons.  We'll be holding one of our Artist Series Showcases with none other than our good Friend Edgar Diaz from Sight Line Provisions.  Edgar designs and makes the leather cuffs that so many of our staff and guides wear everyday.  Edgar also designed the SOS: Save Our Slopes cuffs & stickers that we sold as a fundraiser to help fight and successfully stop the Open Pit Coal Mines that were being put in on our Eastern Slopes and headwaters. Edgar will be doing one of his Trunk Shows as well when he's here on Aug 11 & 12th. Stay tuned for more details!
  • River Cleanup Friday's: Starting Friday August 4th we'll be setup at the takeout at McKinnon Flats at 2:00pm with cold drinks a BBQ, and garbage bags.  Anyone who grabs a bag and collects trash along the river with us we'll have a FREE lunch and a gift bag for.  Just because we can't fish after 2:00pm doesn't mean we can't use the time to improve the condition of our river and fishery!