Hatch Charts

Bow River Hatch Charts

Bow River   




Imitations (Patterns)

Mar 1 - May 15
Midges 18-20 Griffiths Gnat, Emerging Midge, Parachute Adams
April 1 – May 15
Blue winged Olive (BWO) 18 Blue Winged Olive, CDC Biot BWO, Adams, BWO nymph
May 15 – June 15
March Brown 14-16 March Brown, Adams
May 20 – August 30
Caddis 10-18 Elk Hair Caddis, Parachute Caddis, Slow Water Caddis, Flashback Caddis Nymph
June 15 – July 30
Pale Morning Dun (PMD) 14-16 Pale Morning Dun, Parachute PMD, CDC PMD, Light Cahill
June 15 – August 15
Golden Stonefly 6-12 Yellow and Orange Stimulators, Kauffman’s Stone nymph, Brook’s Stonefly nymph
July 15 – August 15
Western Green Drake 8-12 Green Drake, Green Paradrake, Thorax
July 15  – September 15
Grasshopper 4-12 Dave’s or Whitlock’s Hopper, Club Sandwich, Triple Decker,
July 15-October 1
Ants (Black & Red) 14-20 Parachute Ant, Foam Ant, Fur Ant
August 1 – October 1
Tricorythodes 18-22 Trico Spinner, Adams, CDC Biot Trico
August 15 – October 1
Fall Caddis 6-8 Mikaluck Sedge,  Goddard Caddis, Stimulator (Orange, Brown & Green) Elk Hair Caddis
September 1 -August 15
Blue Winged Olive 18-20 CDC biot BWO, BWO, Adams
Year Round
Midges (when temperature permits) 16-22 Black Gnat, Griffith’s Gnat, chronomid nymphs
Other Popular & Versatile Bow River Patterns
2-14 San Juan Worm (Wire & Chenille versions)
6-12 Chernobyl Ant
12-16  Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymphs (Bead Head)
14-18 Pheasant Tail Nymphs (Bead Head)
Fall & Winter
10-14 Mini Leeches, Balanced Leeches
Back Swimmers 14-18 Prince nymph, Foam Water Boatman
12-16 Foam Beetle, Deer Hair Beetle
12-18 Prince Nymph (Bead Head)
2-10 Clouser Minnow
2-10 Wooly Buggers & Bow River Buggers


Oldman River Drainage Hatch Chart

Old Man River Drainage

(Includes the Crowsnest and Livingstone Rivers)




Imitations (Patterns)

March 15-May 30 Tiny Winter Black 12-16 Pheasant Tail Nymph
April15-June 15 Blue Winged Olive (BWO) 18-20 CDC biot BWO, Thorax BWO, BWO dry and nymph
May 15-June15 March Brown 12-14 March Brown, Thorax MB
May 15-June 25 Salmon Fly 4-8 Orange Stimulator, Fluttering Stone, Bird’s Stone, Improved Sofa Pillow
May 20-August 30 Caddis 12-18 Elk Hair Caddis, Parachute Caddis, Latex Caddis Nymph, Flashback Caddis Nymph
June 1-July15 Golden Stonefly 6-10 Yellow Stimulator, Improved Sofa Pillow
June 5- August 20 Little Yellow Sallie 10-14 Elk Hair & Parachute Caddis (yellow body), Little Yellow Stone, Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph
June 5-July 30 Quill Gordon 14-16 Quill Gordon, Light Cahill
June 15-July 25 Pale Morning Dun (PMD) 16-18 CDC PMD, PMD Dry, Light Cahill, Parachute PMD, PMD Spinner
June 15-July 15 Western Green Drake 8-10 Green Drake Dry, Olive Paradrake, Green Humpy
July 5- August 5 Small western Green Drake 12-16 Green Drake Dry, Green Humpy
July 15-September 15 Grasshopper 4-12 Dave’s & Whitlock’s Hopper, Club Sandwich, Charlie Boy, Spent Hopper
July 15-October 1 Ants (Black & Red) 14-20 Parachute Ant, Foam Ant, Fur Ant, Transpar-ant
August 5- October 5 Fall Caddis (Sedges) 6-10 Goddard Caddis, Orange, Green & Brown Stimulator, Mikaluk Sedge, Elk Hair Caddis
September 1- October 15 Blue Winged Olives 18-20 CDC Biot BWO, Thorax BWO, BWO dry and nymph
Other Popular & Versatile Crowsnest Patterns 
2-14 San Juan Worm (Chenille & Wire)
12-18 Prince Nymph
12-18 Pheasant Tail Nymph
12-16 Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear
4-10 Kaufmann’s Stonefly Nymph
4-10 Montana Stonefly Nymph
12-16 Royal Wulff & Royal Trude
12-22 Griffith’s Gnat
8-14 Chernobyl Ant
8-12 Turk’s Tarantula
6-10 Wooly Bugger
4-10 Clouser Minnow

Red Deer River Drainage Hatch Chart

Red Deer River Drainage

(Includes Rivers such as North and South Ram, Stouffer Creek, and Clearwater)

*Applies more to Higher Elevation and mountain streams such as those indicated above, than lower elevation Foothills streams hatches.




Imitations (Patterns)

June 1-August 30 Caddis 12-18 Elk Hair Caddis, Parachute Caddis, Slow water caddis, Latex Caddis Nymph, Flashback Caddis Nymph
July 1- August 15 Golden Stonefly 6-12 Orange and Yellow Stimulator, Yellow Montana Stone, Kauffman’s Golden Stone
July 15-August 15 Western Green Drake 10-12 Green Drake Dry, Thorax Green drake, Parachute Green Drake, Olive Paradrake
August 1- September 25 Grasshopper 6-12 Dave’s & Whitlock’s Hopper, Club Sandwich, Charlie Boy
August 15-September 15 Blue Winged Olive (BWO) 18-20 CDC Biot BWO, BWO Dry, Parachute BWO, BWO Spinner
Other Popular & Versatile  Patterns 
12-16 H&L Variant
12-18 Griffith’s Gnat
12-16 Adams
8-12 Turk’s Tarantula
8-14 Chernobyl Ant
12-16 Royal Wulff & Trude
8-10 Wooly Bugger

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