Tyler Smith: Fly Shop Staff
Join us every Sunday for our 'Meet the Staff' Series
When did you start fly fishing? When I was 7 years-old.
What or who got you started? My mom’s friend, Peter, always fly fished and because I was in a wheelchair I started tying flies first. Eventually, Peter would take me out fly fishing, and I've been fishing ever since.
Favourite place in Alberta to fish? Central Alberta
What’s your favourite fish to target? Bull Trout
If you could fish anywhere on the planet for a week (and money was no object) where would you go fishing and why? Mag Bay because it looks insane.
Top 3 fish on your bucket list? Tiger Musky, Steelhead, Arctic Cchar
What’s your Top 5 Go To Flies on the Bow? Sparkle Minnow, Rio Puparazzi, Chubby Chernobyl, Rio’s My Gal Sal, KK’s Henneberry Hopper
Go To 5 Weight Rod? T&T Avantt
Favourite Fly Line? SA MPX
Would You Rather: Strip a Streamer or Swing a Streamer? Strip
Would You Rather: Dead Drift a Dry Fly or Skate a Dry Fly? Dead
Most Embarrassing Fishing Story? Fishing in Central Alberta with my buddy Luka. I was on an ice shelf trying to chip the ice away so we could fish later in the afternoon. While doing that, I fell through the ice into water that was up to my chest. Once I got back up, I started chipping ice away in a different spot... I fell though the ice into the river again, this time into water going over my head.