Date: August 13, 2024
Water Level and Clarity: After the rain and the hailstorms the flows bumped back up to 175. The river colored up and fishing for dries shut down for two days, but the streamer fishing was spectacular. We saw so many big browns blowing up on streamers!
Water Temps: When the flows dropped down to 130-135 and stabilized there, dry fly fishing picked up again. With the higher flows water temp had plummeted so fish were a little bit more lethargic, but still willing to eat.
Fishing Overview: Stone fly pattern effectiveness is tapering off, but most of the hoppers don't have fully formed mature wings yet, so the fish aren't seeing a ton of hoppers on most stretches. The tweener patterns have been doing the best for us (foam flies that don't exactly look like a stone or hopper, but look a little like either). With the flows down around 100 the fish should start getting a little more active on the surface again, and hoppers should start becoming more and more effective the later into our summer we get. We saw a couple evenings with incredible numbers of sipping fish, although midday has still been the best time for sippers.
- Caddis
- PMDs
- Tricos
August 13, 2024

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