Casey Underwood Swimming Brown Decal
Well, show it off! Choose from over 100 fish and game illustrations created exclusively by artist and outdoorsman, Casey Underwood. These weatherproof decals are designed to represent who you are and what you love. Wherever your adventures take you, rest assured that they will hold up to the elements. So add some personality to your vehicle, boat or outdoor gear and take pride in representing the species you live for.
Swimming Brown Trout Decal
Nothing beats sneaking up to the bank peering down through the surface of a river or stream only to see that big ol' trout holding, swimming and feeding, completely unaware of your presence. This series of Swimming Trout comes in four options: Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout and Cutthroat. The perfect sticker for any sneaky sight fisherman.
Durable, Outdoor Grade Vinyl
UV Coated
7.5" wide x 2.97" tall
Casey Underwood Exclusive Design
- Available in Brown, Brook, Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout Options
Application instructions:
For best results, make sure that the surface you are applying a decal too is completely clean and dry. Apply to smooths surfaces for maximum longevity. Avoid applying decals to porous surfaces as air can be trapped under the decal, which can allow dirt and water in and compromise its adhesion. Once you have applied the decal to a surface, take the backing paper and rub down the entire decal firmly with your thumb or palm, moving any trapped air bubbles to the edges.