Early Riser Coffee - Double Haul Dark Roast
Regular price$24.99
The Double Haul. If this technique can be so effective weaponizing 9 feet of fragile graphite, think of what the dark roast will do to you. It’ll buck howling winds and hungover fogs all the same, leaving fish gnashing their teeth and you wading that much deeper into the fray.
It isn’t just strong, its a nuanced blend of many of the good things in life. Per Kim, this roast is smoky, velvety, and chocolaty, all while holding on to a rich malted premium dark chocolate brown sugar pipe tobacco finish. Imagine the Easter bunny puffing a pipe in a really old library, except it mainly just tastes like good dark coffee.
- Whole bean
- 12 oz bag sealed for freshness
- Ethically sourced
- Small batch roasted